Tag Archives: gesture

Gesture-based computing on the cheap

from MIT News:

With a single piece of inexpensive hardware — a multicolored glove — MIT researchers are making Minority Report-style interfaces more accessible.

“This actually gets the 3-D configuration of your hand and your fingers,” Wang says. “We get how your fingers are flexing.”

Demo of g-speak, a “spacial operating environment”

For when 5 senses aren’t enough…

Every blog’s got to start somewhere, so I figured: Why not with Pranav Mistry’s highly anticipated SixthSense technology?

For a good rundown on what it’s all about, check out SixthSense Frees Data from the Confines of Paper or Screen.

SixthSense pushes gesture-driven digital responses to the limits. Simply draw the @ sign with your finger in the air if you want to check your emails on the wall. Use the same finger to draw a circle and see the time in the image of analog watch that appears on your wrist. Make a picture frame with your hands to take a digital photograph. With a look at your airplane ticket, SixthSense can tell you whether or not your flight is on time, as well as the reason of delay.

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